We know you could receive chiropractic care and therapy from many places-why not make your choice simple? At Simple Choice Chiropractic, pick any of the following prepaid choices designed to fit in your budget as well as your schedule.
Introduction visit – $30 (Exam, Consultation, and Adjustment)
Single Visit – $40
Prepaid Choices (these visits do not expire – get adjusted when you need it!)
- Silver Choice
- 24 visits – $768 (20% discount)
- Bronze Choice
- 12 visits – $408 (15% discount)
- Pearl Choice
- 6 visits – $216 (10% discount)
Wellness Plans (monthly plan for visits)
- Platinum Choice
- 4 visits per month
- $73/month
- Family discounts
- Gold Choice
- 2 visits per month
- $58/month
- Family discounts
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF)
- 1 area $30
- 3 areas $50
- Prepay buy 3 get 1 free (4 treatments for $150 prepaid)
- On a Wellness plan $15 per treatment
- Call about equine PEMF therapy and Concierge services